In the beginning

So here we are. A new beginning after 22 years of trading. If the last 18 months or so have shown us anything, it is that we must change and adapt as a business. It hasn't been straightforward...primarily because I am technologically inept, but this new website is allowing us to sell online for the first time. I apologise for any hiccups that occur as we find our feet in this new direction, but know that we will learn quickly from any mistakes.

Welcome to our new customers, and welcome back to our old friends. 

Be gentle, my dears.



  • Thank you Sarah for your support and patience in finding just the right pastel pinks for the tongue of my doggy portrait. Being in your shop is one of my favourite spaces, especially when you open the Unison pastel drawers😁

  • Thank you Sarah for your support and patience in finding just the right pastel pinks for the tongue of my doggy portrait. Being in your shop is one of my favourite spaces, especially when you open the Unison pastel drawers😁


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